News Ticker
Jun 19 2024
Removed webstore, added all items onto the gamestore buyable with tibia coins.
Jun 18 2024
Removed Dragon scale set, Golden set from the npc: CB Radio. Added premium scroll onto the gamestore, now able to boost your skill gain with 10%.
Jun 17 2024
Added new druid spells, they can now create bomb runes, health/spirit and mana runes. See wiki for more info.
Jun 13 2024
Added newsarchive, now visible witin the menu options, Changelogs will now be updated over at the Trashformers webpage instead of discord.
Apr 09 2024
Trashformers Mini-Season Boost even is now active and live. Take part of 500% exp boost, 500% loot boost, 400% skill boost and a 100% tibia coins bonus upon purshase!

Downloads Page



Download Status:
Offline - You can't download.
Online - You can download.


- Windows Operating System
- Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
- Processor: 1.5 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent with SSE2
- Memory: 1GB RAM
- Graphics: 128MB; if DirectX 9c or OpenGL 2.1 are not supported, only software renderer mode is available (no light effects)
- Hard disk: min. 1GB (Launcher + packages)
- Hard disk min. 400MB (Raw client)


- Windows Operation System (Latest)
- Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
- Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i3 or equivalent
- Memory: 4GB RAM
- Graphics: 512MB; OpenGL 2.1 support
- Hard disk min: 2GB

TrashformersClient 13.32

(Does not include proxy)


TrashformersClient 13

This option requires manual update upon client updates.

Installation Guide for dummies

Trashformers Client 13/10

Below, follow the current steps in order after downloading the client files

Azuria client 13 guide

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